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New Zealand’s Quickest Streeters

We’ve included a list of the country’s quickest street cars in every issue of NZV8 and NZ Performance Car, and it’s been great for keeping

Aero warriors: three Nascar icons

  “The glory days of Nascar racing may never happen again, but that hasn’t stopped one dedicated Auckland family from reliving them” From moonshine runners

Ground hog: 1957 Ford F100

  “With awesome chassis work and a 500-cube big block, who cares about having shiny paint? ” Take any car, no matter if it’s a

PSP NZ Jetsprint Championship final

  View fullsize The 2015 PSP New Zealand Jetsprint championship came to a conclusion at Featherston last weekend. With the final round being an important

Dream Shed: speedway shrine

  “If you’re interested in Speedway, prepare to have your mind blown” “You don’t need to be crazy, but sometimes it helps,” laughs Gordon McIsaac,

High-mile trophy hauler

  “If you think that none of New Zealand’s most awarded show cars are driven, you’d better think again! After driving 23,000 miles, the Carters’