Pro Trucking
Pro touring meets show trucking in this stunning black-on-black ’56 Chev hauler Words: Todd Wylie Photos: Strong Style Photo Stop the clock and rewind to 2014.
Pro touring meets show trucking in this stunning black-on-black ’56 Chev hauler Words: Todd Wylie Photos: Strong Style Photo Stop the clock and rewind to 2014.
Choosing the smell of petrol rather than his family’s passion for leather, Tony Jeffs’ shed shelters a collection that most would envy Words and photos:
Mike Pearce never set out to create New Zealand’s ultimate Mustang … he just wanted a good one, then the bar moved Words: Mike Pearce /
Some people buy them and build them from scratch, then there’s guys like Charlie Bailey who buy good cars and make them even better! Words:
This August, George Poteet and his Speed Demon crew set yet another Streamliner record at Bonneville, making it the fastest wheel-driven internal-combustion engine vehicle on
Contactless ceramic protection in under five minutes flat. Uhuh. Seems too good to be true, right? No rubbing, no buffing, and no machines required. Ok,
Built for battle on the high banks of tracks like Daytona or the Brickyard, this Nascar duo can now be found banging doors in the
Some people may seek a life where they are the centre of attention, while others, like Boyd Matenga, are happy to slide under the radar
Have you ever got a bit carried away and done something you probably shouldn’t have? Rob Goodman has, but luckily it resulted in the construction
Invercargill’s David Brown never intended to build some of the best GT40s in the world, but his Kiwi know-how and can-do saw it happen almost
If you’re one to put serious miles on your odometer, then bugs and tar are two swear words in your vocabulary, especially during
The big man grew up surrounded by slammed HQs, so it’s only natural he has built his ultimate version of one — although this one
Big Matt Jukic doesn’t give up easily. After thieves wrote off his wild late-model Challenger, Matt got to work building bigger, better, and badder —
Sam Deller may have thrown his toys out after missing out on scoring the car of his dreams, but once he calmed down, he set
When Tony Middlemiss lost enthusiasm for his project car, he moved it on, but, rather than give up and take a break from cars altogether,
NZV8 is New Zealand’s leading V8 magazine and V8 authority, covering everything from hot rods to muscle cars, drag racing and circuit racing through to classics and late model high-performers.