Perfect match: flawless XB GT
The relationship between owner and builder can make or break a car — thankfully the team behind this GT Falcon was a perfect
The relationship between owner and builder can make or break a car — thankfully the team behind this GT Falcon was a perfect
For Wellington’s Neil Robertson, stepping out of the limelight was the plan. However, the end result was stepping right back into it View
Take one classic ’70s Australian icon, add a healthy dose of late-model V8 supercar parts, and you end up with something pretty special!
With a huge selection available on the market — both from retailers and specialist builders — it’s not always easy shopping for a
It’s a simple subject that becomes increasingly complex the further you look into it. We delve into the world of suspension and how
Spring is a busy time of year, as stores dust off the ‘sale’ banners, homemakers prepare for a caffeine-fuelled cleaning spree, and the automotive calendar
For the last 17 years, Noddy Watts and the team behind the hugely successful Beach Hop festival have brightened up the calendars of Kiwi car
There’ll be something new at Mad Mike’s Summer Bash when the second round of the all-new Fast and Furious race format joins the party. It’s
Last year, the Waimate 50 cracked a half century and proved why it’s one of the best street races we have in New Zealand. It
When your name is Ken Block, and you are the most famous Youtube peddler of all time, with hundreds of millions of views clocked up,
Wheels are wheels are wheels, right? Well, not quite — we take a look at the facts and fictions you might not know,
Beaches, cold ones, and Supercars — what more could you want in life? Boys Trip, the answer to all your woes No one
Tony Stewart needs no introduction. One of the all-time greats of US motor sport, his talent, passion, and dedication to racing has been rewarded with
For a small car show, Waiau Pa Hop just keeps getting bigger. This year’s, as always, took place at the Clarks Beach Reserve, in the
Shaun Hodson has proven that he’s not only got the right taste when it comes to building tough cars but also the ability,
NZV8 is New Zealand’s leading V8 magazine and V8 authority, covering everything from hot rods to muscle cars, drag racing and circuit racing through to classics and late model high-performers.