Latest news and features

Electronic efficiency: carb to EFI conversion
Ever wondered about converting your four-barrel carb set-up to a bolt-on EFI alternative? The team at Magnum Automotive show us an easy way

Bio Gains: making the switch to ethanol
So you’re thinking about filling up with ethanol? Stop: there are a few things to consider first View fullsize View fullsize We have all

Triple Eight: V6 turbo engines future of Supercars
Hot off the press: Craig Lowndes inside a V6 turbo-powered Holden … is this a wet dream for the series fans, or their worst nightmare?

Concept Corner: wild stallion Mustang
It’s the age-old issue of being in the business of building custom cars — you need to do things to the customer’s requirements. Sure, you
The $5,000 dilemma
If you’re anything like us here in the office, you’ll spend a good chunk of your time imagining what car you’d buy in any given

A weekend in Sulphur City
The automotive calendar is not kind to Kiwi car enthusiasts over the gruelling winter stretch. A season for hibernation, some will work dutifully within their

Enthusiast essentials: do-it-yourself resto range
View fullsize You can’t build a car if you don’t have the right gear. Fortunately Pennsylvania, USA-based specialists, Eastwood, have done all the heavy-lifting

Red, white, and blue: Dodge puts on three-way tug-o-war burnout
When you’ve got 2,059hp of tyre-frying goodness ready to rock, what’s your first thought on how to use it? We don’t know what silly idea

Shower thoughts: what’s the best car from the year you were born?
Picture this: You’re six months old, you crawl onto any car yard in the world with a blank cheque ready to buy a brand-new car,

The master: an interview with Mike Gearing [Part One]
If you scroll back through the history books of drag racing in New Zealand, a number of names stand out — names such as Pete

Steel art: what 2500 hours of custom work looks like
When Kelvin Taylor first set foot in the Matamata Panelworks workshop, this was not the car he expected to end up with. Hell, he hadn’t

Get your hands on NZV8 Issue No. 147 now!
Well, how’s this for a jam-packed mag? View fullsize The Matamata Panelworks team are renowned for their custom Mustang builds, and are no one-trick pony!

The art of deception: blow-through turbo Valiant
It may look like Grandpa’s old Valiant, but this sucker packs a serious turbo punch! View fullsize As most of us get older,

The latest from Enzed Central Muscle Cars
Challenge Accepted View fullsize The E-body Dodge Challenger currently under construction at Hamilton’s Mitchell Race Xtreme is rapidly heading towards completion. The bulk of

Making Mustangs cool again: line lock for all models
Ripping a burnout in your Ford Mustang without cooking your rear brakes has only even come in the way of a V8 GT model, and