Latest news and features

Rodders meet steam power
The crowds were out in force along Whanganui’s riverside, and over the historic Dublin Street bridge, to watch the relaunching of the PS Waimarie riverboat.

Concept Corner: recreating the Kiwi classic ‘The Pie’ wagon
“You’ve seen Ian Neary’s version of a Plymouth GTX, but what if he turned his talents to recreating a Kiwi icon? ”

Raising the bar: Scrap Palace Morrinsville Burnout Comp
You understand burnouts or you don’t. If you don’t, now is not the time, and this is not the article, to convince you otherwise. Just

Spray and walk away with Plasti Dip
Before we begin, let’s get this straight: yes, we’ve previously run an article about using Plasti Dip to coat a set of wheels, and it

Build of the best, part two: the mechanicals
We opened ourselves up to criticism, or calls of bullshit, when we openly stated that Ian Neary’s Plymouth GTX is the best muscle car in

Test and tune: kicking off Meremere Dragway’s comp season
“The Meremere Dragway competition season kicked off over the weekend of October 31– November 1, with both a test and tune and the first

Enthusiast Essentials: what we’ve added to our must-have list this month!
With the diverse range of vehicles covered by our motoring titles, New Zealand Classic Car, NZV8, and NZ Performance Car, it’s clear that the car

Weekly Motor Fix: New Zealand’s scariest Maloo
Speed is one hell of a drug. No, not the amphetamine that got Lemmy through his whole adult life, but the actual act of moving

Weekend workshop: cutting the cord
Those who follow me on social media or read any of the tech pieces in NZ Performance Car will know that when I’m not putting

G-Code: Ringbrothers’ redefinition of the ’69 Camaro
Nome, Alaska, USA; Dipton, Southland, New Zealand; Diodar, Gujarat, India; The bottom of the Marianas Trench … it doesn’t matter where you are in the

Exciting times for Super Saloon class
The hugely popular Burger King Pro Dirt series is making a comeback for the 2016–’17 speedway season, and it’s set to be the biggest and

Build thread: stuffing 12 cylinders into an S14 Silvia
Fresh off the back of his first full-season Demon Energy D1NZ Pro campaign, Manawatu local Jaron Olivecrona has hit the shed to transform his already

Get your November fix of Enzed Central Muscle Car News
“Keep up to speed with New Zealand’s most exciting race series — Enzed Central Muscle Cars” Tinman returns Previous CMC series champion and ultra-competitive driver,

Build of the best, part one: Ian Neary’s Plymouth GTX
We opened ourselves up to criticism, or calls of bullshit, when we openly stated that Ian Neary’s Plymouth GTX is the best muscle car in

Muscle at the mountain: the results from Bathurst
The recent Enzed Central Muscle Cars (CMC) trip to Bathurst was the culmination of around five years of planning — and at various stages it