Latest news and features

Blow ’em or go home: NZBC smokes Masterton out
Mother Nature can be a cruel master, waylaying even the best laid plans, and every event organizer would do well to remember this.

All about oil: Lake Speed Jr breaks it down
Oil is something most of us know enough about, without knowing much more. We got to talk with a real-deal oil scientist to

Buying Guides: The $10k dilemma
Following on from our team nominating what they’d be buying with $5,000 in their pockets, we generously doubled the hypothetical budget and sent

Possum-killers: Narva Platinum Plus 130
With hundreds of different products thrust under your nose on a daily basis, we don’t blame you if you feel a little dubious

Running the numbers: Rod Harvey runs a five!
Aucklander Rod Harvey may be a V8 guy at heart, but for many years now he’s been campaigning a six-cylinder 2JZ-powered Toyota Celica.

Shipping in: time to buy
View fullsize We recently spoke to the team at Famous Pacific Shipping (FPS) about the process of importing a vehicle into New Zealand,

The inner-workings of a Formula One water-to-air intercooler
The harsh nature of high-end racing is that if you ain’t delivering, money will dry up fast — which is what led to the the

Aussie gold: the stars of Meguiar’s MotorEx 2017
When it comes to the rarefied air of elite level Aussie show cars, no show can hold a candle to the revered Meguiar’s MotorEx, held

Mechanical Abuse: ’56 Chev pickup ‘beater’
Jeff Emerson’s Chev pickup is just a dirty old beater to him. But, while he treats it like one, it’s a little cooler

Slicker than slick: a true NZ hot rodding legend
What Tom Slick may lack in speed and style, it certainly makes up for in character and history View fullsize Meet ‘Tom Slick’.

Hot box: burnouts and hard-parking at WinterJam
You have to be brave to book an event in winter, particularly one that revolves around a hardpark and burnouts, but seeing over 5000 punters

Screw the environment: Hellcat-powered Prius
If you were to stand a few clicks back, squint your eyes, and tilt your head to the side this Prius might pass off as

Winners circle: the best of CRC Speedshow 2017
CRC Speedshow is a staple of the Kiwi automotive calendar, for its ability to cater to almost every facet of the local car scene. Our

Lost Inca: a ’63 Bel Air low-rider masterpiece
Originally, Dan Jones just wanted to three-wheel. Somehow. That plan evolved into crafting a masterpiece the likes of which New Zealand has never

Advanced ageing: how to create a faux patina
We find out how to fool people into thinking your brand-new paint job is not so new after all View fullsize The finishing