When Gerard and Denise Wolvers purchased this ’34 Plymouth sedan some 10 years ago, they had been drawn in by the vehicle’s original shape. However, the trip home from Nelson to the Waikato soon revealed that its looks were the best thing going for it. The Plymouth drove terribly, and they knew they wanted better.

Enter Paul Duff from Bodymods in Hamilton. With a vision of exactly how the car should be, and with Paul in agreeance, it was the beginning of what would become a great relationship and an immense rebuild that would see barely an original panel left untouched, and many crafted entirely by hand. The end result is nothing short of amazing, if not understated, and a testament to the skill of those who the Wolvers entrusted it to.

You can read the full article in NZV8 Issue No. 158, but because of the subtle nature of the vehicle, we figured a build gallery such as the following would be the best way to show the full extent of the custom work that this car has been subject to.
Thanks to the Bodymods team for supplying us with the photos in the build gallery below.