Event guide: Cruise Martinborough (24–27 January)

17 December 2018



Registrations for Cruise Martinborough have been open for months, so you’d be advised to get in quick — there are fewer than 20 entries remaining, and this is one of New Zealand’s finest automotive festivals. Running between 24 and 27 January, Cruise Martinborough will again be playing on the strengths that make it what it is. The event will begin with a laid-back cruise and drive-in movie on Thursday, with a car-park party and the ever-popular Twilight Drags on Friday, a street show and shine on Saturday, and a Sunday brunch. Of course, that’s just the condensed version; Cruise Martinborough offers a whole lot more!

To check out the full itinerary and accommodation recommendations, or to register, visit cruisemartinborough.co.nz.