When your name is Ken Block, and you are the most famous Youtube peddler of all time, with hundreds of millions of views clocked up, you have undeniably set the bar extremely high for yourself. In a quest to stay on top of the internet automtive media pyramid, Ken has gone HAM. The cars, locations, special effects, and hardcore driving antics have all been played out to death or so we thought …. So how does Ken live up to the hype for the next installment?!

Try 1400hp, two turbos, and growing those two circular appendages between his legs exponentially.

The world first met Ken’s Mustang dubbed the HOONICORN in Gymkhana 7, in its naturally aspirated Roush Yates 410ci small block form.. Built by ASD, the tube frame 4WD Mustang was beyond anything anyone would have ever imagined would be constructed for a 12 minute Youtube clip.

But, in the perpetual quest to rule the internet things have become extremely serious – to the point that if the testing videos are anything to go by, then Ken is truely scared of the V2 Hoonicorn, a car that was wild with 850 natural HP, let alone the boosted 1400hp it now sports.

In testing Ken spoke about how terrifying the car is now; “It spins the tyres so fast that the things that I’m used to doing with an all wheel drive car, how I point the wheels, how much gas I give to tighten up or change a line, it actually doesn’t work with this car now, I will have to relearn this, because I’m about to go to a scary mountain.” Said mountain was Pikes Peak and the result has been hyped for the past 12 months…. so best we all get to watching it then.