Orewa Overload
The Hibiscus Rodders’ Orewa Beach Festival has been growing steadily over the last few years, but the January 2015 event took things to an all new level
What car event gets bigger and better each and every year, takes place in a peaceful beachfront community, has plenty of local support and raises thousands of dollars for charity? You wouldn’t be wrong if your answer was Beach Hop, but in this case it was the Hibiscus Rodders’ Orewa Beach Festival, which year-on-year seems to be getting more like the aforementioned event. Hosted by the local hot rod club, Hibiscus Rodders, the event is now well and truly cemented as a highlight of the community calendar, and is run as slick as any event could ever wish to be.
For the full report you’ll have to check out NZV8 Issue No. 118, but for now, here’s a few highlights and a few of our favourites from the event that ran from Friday, January 23–Sunday, January 25.

One of the first cars we laid eyes on was this beautiful Tudor belonging to Peter Howerda. The freshly imported car looked just the part on its ’50 Mercury hubcaps, and came complete with pin-striping from legendary ‘Tommy the Greek’.

While some Falcon lovers would have been appalled to see a genuine XT GT in this condition, we love the car’s honesty — panel patches and all.

Despite an RS500 Cosworth having a few cylinders less than most cars on display, there was still plenty of interest in the iconic machine.

Following in the non-V8 theme was this huge group of Beetles and Combis, complete with surfboards on top. Just the thing for such an awesome beach location!

Brodie Smith from Far North Rod And Custom Club had his ever-popular ‘J-Low’ on display, and as usual it was admired by young and old alike.

The interclub tug of war saw a serious battle for traction, with teams stating they’d be back with their biggest members for the following year.

Big block four-speed El Camino … Yes please!

As Rob Gilmore’s Essex rat rod shows, there was truly something for everyone on display throughout the duration of the event.

Not a bad turnout from the Poulton family. Lyn’s ’33 Coupe, son Shane’s pickup and husband John’s Camaro all looking great!

It was great to see Beach Hop’s Noddy Watts present with the 2015 Beach Hop giveaway car. We know we weren’t the only ones hoping the stars align for us to win it!

How’s this for a great turnout for what’s usually a sleepy beachside suburb!

Check out this for a set-up — Tony Garratt’s El Camino, Vince Lettice’s Camaro, and Chris Wheelhouse’s Camaro, all with superchargers.

The turnout at the North Harbour Country Club on Sunday was every bit as impressive as it was at Orewa itself.

The newly crowned Miss Orewa hitches a ride through the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Grand Parade, much to the adoration of all the males nearby!
Orewa Beach Festival Winners
Westpac Rescue Helicopter’s Choice — 1957 Ford Fairlane ‘SJ’
Noddy’s Choice — 1936 Ford Coupe ‘GR8VBE’
Garry Christini’s Choice — 1930 Ford Model A ‘FORDGD’
Petrolhead’s Choice — 1958 Buick Special ‘GUZZL’
NZV8 magazine’s Choice — 1957 Lincoln Premier ‘HCT400’
Air Tahiti Nui’s Choice — 1934 Coupe (orange)
House of Travel’s Choice — Chev Camaro ‘BAAAD’