
Concept corner: bent outta shape

     We like crazy concepts, and you can bet your bottom dollar that the bloke who dreamed up this issue’s cover car has one

Concept Corner: factory four

    Shaun Hodson has proven that he’s not only got the right taste when it comes to building tough cars but also the ability,

Buying Guides: The $10k dilemma

    Following on from our team nominating what they’d be buying with $5,000 in their pockets, we generously doubled the hypothetical budget and sent

The $5,000 dilemma

If you’re anything like us here in the office, you’ll spend a good chunk of your time imagining what car you’d buy in any given

NZV8 picks their top 10 Camaros

The year 2016 marks 50 years since the first Chevrolet Camaro rolled off the production line, and while you can read all about the evolution