Josh Trybula’s dream car isn’t just a concept, but a happening thing — a Kiwi version of the world’s most famous lowrider

Illustration: Ash Westmoreland —
Every once in a while, we’ll get a cover-car owner whose concept for these pages is a work in progress. Josh is one of those rare people, who is currently working on his dream car, and has gotten it a long way towards where he wants it to be.
Fans of the lowrider culture will be familiar with the ‘Gypsy Rose’ ’64 Impala — regarded by many as the most famous lowrider in the world — which featured unbelievable paint, upholstery, and detail throughout. The 1959 Chev Impala lowrider that Josh is currently building might just be the New Zealand equivalent.
Based around his rare ’59 Impala hardtop, factory-fitted with a Tri Power–equipped 348ci big block and four-speed manual transmission, the detail work Josh has completed so far — and is yet to complete — is just out of this world.
This began with a completely painted chassis — with custom paintwork by Kurt Goodin — and we’re talking custom — think candy, metal flake, and pinstriping, all painstakingly applied.
The rest of the undercarriage is no less detailed, with a powder-coated diff housing and suspension arms, steering linkages, and steering box!
Contrary to most lowriders built in the traditional manner, Josh has elected to run airbag suspension rather than hydraulics — which he is also very familiar with — to save from butchering the chassis of a very rare car.
The 348 W-block has also been given a touch of the bling stick, with the same Kurt Goodin paintwork, an extraordinary quantity of polished and engraved dress-up gear, and serpentine belt drive.
The body, which Josh is yet to really tuck into, has benefited from engraved chrome trim, and will be given the mother of all paint jobs in matching blue with plenty of candy, lace, and pinstriping to make this not only the best-presented lowrider in New Zealand but surely one of the most impressive show cars as well.
Of course, Josh being Josh, it’s unlikely to stay pristine for too long once it’s finished, as we’re sure that he won’t be able to resist dropping the clutch and frying the little whitewalls around those 13-inch Truespokes.