To help support the fight against breast cancer, Smits Group / Meguiar’s New Zealand is chucking on a Pink Ribbon Breakfast at its headquarters — 59 Greenmount Drive, East Tamaki, Auckland — on Saturday 19 May. The team hopes to raise over $1500 to donate to the
Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ), where money will be put towards research and helping patients with the illness. Those who attend the breakfast will be asked to chip in $10 a head and, in return, will be offered up a selection of muffins, slices, club sandwiches, tea and coffee, as well as a demonstration on how to properly care for your car using the Meguiar’s range.
“The car hobby in New Zealand is a thing that is passed down from generation to generation, and over the years we’ve noticed that a lot more women (and little girls) are involved or just love their car, so as a company we wanted to do our bit to support an organization that’s funding research to save women’s lives,” said a statement put out by the company.
There will be 15 per cent off Meguiar’s and Smits Group products on the day, with 15 per cent of total sales and 100 per cent of ticket fees donated to the BCFNZ.
Register online at smitsgroup.co.nz.