Team Four Up has only been running for close to a year now. A small crew, started by Damian and Andrew Smuts, has slowly grown to just over 20 members; all in the same circle of friends, or friends of friends. They’re a very passionate group of enthusiasts pursuing a range of builds — however at this stage, most of the vehicles seem to be from Nissan or Toyota, with the odd Honda thrown into the mix.

It’s always nice to feel like you’re a part of something, whether it be a car crew, bowling club, or a dancing group. For me, my weekend hangs come courtesy of this bunch of guys, who are all into the same style of Japanese car tuning.

I’ve never been a part of a close-knit car crew before, instead getting involved with the usual large forums relating to whatever car I had at the time. As amazing as those forums are for information, sourcing parts, and making new friends all over the country, you just can’t beat a more family-orientated local crew where every man has his talents, which get utilized regularly.

As the V 4&Rotary Nationals are only just around the corner, we thought it best to catch up, talk about the event, and spin some yarns in the process — oh, and eat the odd sausage or two!

Even my Labrashepherd Marley came out to the BBQ, just incase some steak managed to find itself into his mouth. Marley was also a big hit with the little ones, too — he’s a gentle soul, that’s for sure.

I’ve been hounding my good friends Cameron and Rebekca Vernon to bring up their recently completed family car — a very powerful, RB29DET Skyline GTS-T. Words cannot even describe how fast this car is, even on the low-boost tune that I experienced.
Big thanks to Alastair Wootten for letting us use the gym as home base. I’ll be doing a more in-depth look into each car in the near future, but for now, here’s a gallery!